Wednesday, February 26, 2014


My baby boy's day was a success! I did a quick session before running out the door....ten minutes to be exact. Jack was a little grumpy and feeling deprived of food, but he cooperated long enough to capture these moments. I couldn't wait to put him in his suspenders and tie. Isn't he a handsome little guy?

There is just something about black and white detail shots that I love.

 After we put him in his little suspenders and tie that I was talking about. I can't get enough!

Monday, February 3, 2014


Isn't she a doll? I had so much fun shooting this sweet girl the other day. I LOVE photographing newborns. They are so perfect in every way and I love their teeny tiny features. This family has been Bronco fans for as long as I can remember and dad made sure they brought the gear for some photos!